1. Insert unaccepted sim to phone.
2. Input *2767*3855# and phone will reboot and will be temporarily unlocked.
3. Input *7465625*638*00000000*00000000#
4. Input #7465625*638*00000000#
5. Input *#7465625# to check the locks….all locks should now be inactive as shown below:
network lock – inactive
subset lock – inactive
sp lock – inactive
cp lock – inactive
sim lock – inactive
activa lock – inactive
phone lock – inactive
auto network – inactive
auto subset lock – inactive
auto sp lock – inactive
auto cp lock – inactive
auto sim lock – inactive
This has been tested to work on:
T209, T309, T509, T809, X100, X495, X660, D600, E780, T319
samsung Unlock code
—S100, S300, V200:
—A300, A800
—X100, S500 and E700 E710 T500
Also for Samsung X-100!
Samsung SGH-E700 new model:
*2767*2878# Custom EEEPROM Reset
*0001*s*f*t# -> Changes serial parameters (s=?, f=0,1, t=0,1) (incomplete)
*2767*2878# -> Custom EEPROM Reset
How unlock C100…I know!!! Really!!! code: *#9998*627837793# …he says “wrong operation”, but in Settings is new menu “file manager” …go to File manager and step by step make all! Then restart, and all ok!
and another one code for display contrast for 2xx,nxxx
New Cod For New Version X100 X600 E700
Samsung X426: * 2 7 6 7 * 3 8 5 5 #
Samsung SGH2100
SGH S500
*2767*MVT# (*2767*688#) E2P MVT Reset
*#SIMLOCK# (*#7465625#)
SGH V200
Power on the phone without SIM card and type these codes:
*2767*63342# and press green button
*2767*3855# and press green button
*2767*2878# and press green button
*2767*927# and press green button
*2767*7822573738# press button
but also changes IMEI to 447967-89-400044-0
*2767*2878# Custom EEPROM Reset
FOR NEW SGH (R210, T100, A300…)
if code is in format *#9998*xxx#
try write in this *#0xxx#
#*7337# E700 E715 AND T200 T500 S105 S100 X100 X600
E820 On TMobile
*2767*3855# [full]
v200 *2767*7822573738# tested.100% successful……..
switch phone on without sim and enter :-
Then phone will reset … and it is unlocked….
D500 unlock code #*7337#
a300 i try
*2767*2878and *2767*688 without sucess
Samsung CDMA
All type of phones:
NAM programming: 47*869#08#9
Test mode: *759#813580 or 5809540*45680
exit test mode – 02
A-Key: menu + 0, code 25##
1. *2767*JAVA# Java Reset and (Deletes all Java Midlets)
2. *2767*MEDIA# Reset Media (Deletes All Sounds and Pics)
3. *2767*WAP# Wap Reset
4. *2767*CUST# Reset Custom EEPR0M
5. *2767*FULL# Reset Full EEPR0M (Caution)
6. For example : *2767*JAVA# would be keyed in as *2767*5282#
Note : Not all codes will work with SGH-C100.
Other Samsung Codes
1. *#06# IMEI code
2. *#9998*4357# Help Menu
3. *#9998*5282# Java menu (GRPS/CSD settings for JAVA server)
4. *#9999#0# Monitor Mode
5. *#9999# or *#9998*9999# Software Version
6. *#8888# or *#9998*8888# Hardware Version
7. *#9998*746# or *#9998*0746# or *#0746# Sim Infos
8. *#9998*523# or *#9998*0523# or *#0523# Display Contrast
9. *#9998*842# or *#9998*0842# or *#0842# Vibration On (until you push OK)
10. *#9998*289# or *#9998*0289# or *#0289# Buzzer On (until you push OK)
11. *#9998*288# or *#9998*0288# or *#0288# Battery & Field Infos
12. *#9998*377# or *#9998*0377# Error log
13. *#9998*778# or *#9998*0778# or *#0778# Sim Service table
14. *#9998*782# show date and alarm clock
15. *#8999*638# show network information
16. *#9998*5646# change operator logo at startup
17. *#9998*76# production number
18. *#9998*968# view melody for alarm
19. *#9998*585# Non-Volatile Memory (NVM)
20. *#3243948# Digital Audio Interference Off
21. *#32436837# Digital Audio Interference On
*#06# -> Show IMEI
*#9999# -> Show Software Version
*#0001# -> Show Serial Parameters
*2767*3855# -> Full EEPROM Reset ( THIS CODE REMOVES SP-LOCK!!!! but also change IMEI to 447967-89-400044-0, you must use CHGIMEI to restore it)
*2767*2878# -> Custom EEEPROM Reset
*#8999*228# -> Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)
*#8999*246# -> Program status
*#8999*289# -> Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency
*#8999*324# -> Debug screens
*#8999*364# -> Watchdog
*#8999*377# -> EEPROM Error Stack
*#8999*427# -> Trace Watchdog
*#8999*523# -> Change LCD contrast
*#8999*544# -> Jig detect
*#8999*636# -> Memory status
*#8999*746# -> SIM File Size
*#8999*778# -> SIM Service Table
*#8999*785# -> RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors
*#8999*786# -> Run, Last UP, Last DOWN
*#8999*837# -> Software Version
*#8999*842# -> Test Vibrator
*#8999*862# -> Vocoder Reg
*#8999*872# -> Diag
*#8999*947# -> Reset On Fatal Error
*#8999*999# -> Last/Chk
*#8999*9266# -> Yann debug screen (=Debug Screens?)
*#8999*9999# -> Software version
v200 Unlock Code-> *2767*7822573738#
*#9324# Netmon (press the hangup key to exit)
*#9998*JAVA# Edit GPRS/ CSD settings (S100 Only)
*#9998*Help# Help screen/ List of codes
*#9998*LOGO# Change operator Logo
*#9998*RTC# RTC Display
*#9998*Bat# Battery Status
*#9998*Buz# Turns Buzzer ON
*#9998*Vib# Turns Vibrator ON
*#9998*LCD# LCD Contrast
*#9998*9999# Softwre Version
*#9998*8888# Hardware Version
*#9998*377# NVM Error Log (?????)
*#9998*NET# SIM Network ID
*#9998*778# SIM Serv. Table
*#9998*SIM# SIM Info
*#9998*PN# Production No.
*#9998*968# Reminder Tune
*#9998*NVM# Displays Non-Vol****e Memory Status
*#9999*C# ???????????????????
*#06# Displays phones I**I No.
***/// ***/// NOTE /// *** RED COLOR , they appear serious !!! Use at
own risk !!!
*#9998*2576# Forces SIM Error
*#9998*DEAD# Forces Phone Crash
*2767*MEDIA# Resets the medis on the phone (deletes all downloaded
*2767*FULL# Resets the EEPRON *DANGEROUS*
*2767*CUST# Resets the Custom EEPRON
*2767*JAVA# Resets JAV downloads (deletes all downloaded midlits)
*2767*STACKRESET# Resets Stack
*2767*225RESET# ????????????????? * Dangerous *
*2767*WAP# Resets WAP Setting & Deletes Favorites
The code: *#8999*8378#
as i regarded it a informative code,
will tell you each and everything about your cell fone.
and in the “H/W test”,
there are lot of other Audio settings,
each of them having five (5) levels,
you can change the combination, but before doing anything,
do write the defult number sequence to some place so that
you’ll be then able to invert it again! .. …
#*2558# – Time ON
#*2527# – GPRS Switching Set to class {4/8/9/10}
#*4263# – Handsfree Mode: ACTIVATED
#*53696# – [Java dnload] WAPSAR mode
#*536961# – WAPSAR enable HTTP disable
#*536962# – HTTP enable WAPSAR disable
#*536963# – SERIAL enable Others disable
#*5663351# – [Phone Model] SAMSUNG SGH-X100
#*6420# – Mic off
#*6421# – Mic on
#*7632# – Sleep mode
*#8999*523# – Main LCD Brightness
*#8999*3825523# – (?) External display
*2767*3855# – Full EEPROM reset(Reset all type of locks)also you’ll
lose pictures and java not melody
Remove camera sound:
On main screen type:
*#8999*8378# –> Test mode
H/W test
Audio Settings
Melody Gain
Then replace 6 by 0, it’ll show 12 but it’s OK
Press back until main screen
Then press key volume to minimum and let’s try !!! no more sound
tip by C-Quest
*2767*2878# – EEPROM ( , )
*2767*3855# – l EEPROM ( SP- !! ) IMEI 447967-89-400044-0, IMEI ( )
*2767*688# ( ) [Unlocking Code]
*2767*73738927# = *2767*RESETWAP#
Model: Samsung A300
Model: Samsung A400
Model: Samsung A800
Model: Samsung E500
In newer phones:
Model: Samsung E700
In newer phones:
Model: Samsung E715
Turn off the phone. Put a non-accepted Simcard and turn it on. Type *#9998*3323#. Press Exit. Choose menu #7. After phone reboots type *0141# and hit the Call button. Turn off and insert another Simcard. Turn on. The code is 00000000.
In newer phones:
Model: Samsung M100
Type *#9998*627837793#. Then type *#9998*737#. Press >/[] (Play Stop) until phone shows NCK/SPCK number. Press Exit. Type #0111*CODE# (Code is the last 8 digits of the NCK/SPCK)
Model: Samsung P400
In newer phones:
Model: Samsung S100
Model: Samsung S105
Remove Simcard. Enter *2767*7822573738# and after phone reboots, enter #0111*00000000#
Model: Samsung S300
Model: Samsung S307
Turn off the phone. Put a non-accepted Simcard and turn it on. Type *#9998*3323#. Press Exit. Choose menu #7. After phone reboots type *0141# and hit the Call button. Turn off and insert another Simcard. Turn on. The code is 00000000.
In newer phones:
Model: Samsung S500
In newer phones:
Model: Samsung SGH600
Model: Samsung SGH2100
Model: Samsung V200
Model: Samsung X100
Turn off the phone. Put a non-accepted Simcard and turn it on. Type *#9998*3323#. Press Exit. Choose menu #7. After phone reboots type *0141# and hit the Call button. Turn off and insert another Simcard. Turn on. The code is 00000000.
In newer phones:
Model: Samsung X600
Turn off the phone. Put a non-accepted Simcard and turn it on. Type *#9998*3323#. Press Exit. Choose menu #7. After phone reboots type *0141# and hit the Call button. Turn off and insert another Simcard. Turn on. The code is 00000000.
In newer phones:
Model: Samsung Universal
Put a non-accepted Simcard and turn it on. Type *#9998*3323#. Press Exit. You will get a new menu. Select Malloc Fail.
In newer phones:
Penting..!!! Sebelum Melakukan Proses Download, Sebaiknya Anti Virus apapun di Komputer sobat harap di nonaktifkan Terlebih dahulu ya. Agar Patch Full Versionnya Dapat di Unduh juga. Makasih ^_^